Congratulations to our December Terrific Tigers!
about 7 hours ago, Kristin Tallent
students stand in front of the board room for a picture
REMINDER: We will dismiss early on Friday, December 20, 2024. Have a safe Winter Break!
2 days ago, Kristin Tallent
early dismissal times for 12/20
UPDATE: Good evening. As you have likely heard by now, the precautionary boil water advisory due to the water main break has been lifted by the City of Cape Girardeau. Tests show that the water is clean and safe to drink. We will have the water fountains back open at school on Wednesday. To learn more, you can visit the City's website. Thank you for your time this evening and have a great night! -CGPS
11 days ago, Kristin Tallent
UPDATE: December 9, 2024 - The City of Cape Girardeau has informed us that the water main has been fixed. We will still be under a precautionary boil water advisory on Tuesday. We have delivered bottled water to the buildings for drinking water and will continue to follow the recommended precautions provided by the City for breakfast and lunch preparation on Tuesday. For the latest information from the City of Cape Girardeau, please visit the City’s website. -CGPS
12 days ago, Kristin Tallent
Monday, December 9, 2024 Good morning. The City of Cape Girardeau just issued a precautionary boil water advisory for the City due to a large water main break near the Cape Rock Water Plant. We wanted to let families know that we have closed the drinking fountains throughout the District and are in the process of delivering bottled water for drinking water. Our nutrition services staff members will follow the recommended precautions provided by the City for lunch preparation today. Additionally, the water main break may change a couple of our bus routes until it is fixed. Please be patient with us if buses are running a few minutes behind this afternoon. More information can be found on the City’s website under Latest News. We will continue to provide updates as we receive more information. Thank you for your time and have a great day! -CGPS
12 days ago, Kristin Tallent
Join us for the Grand Opening of the new Cape Central Academy! We will host a Ribbon Cutting with the Cape Chamber on December 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Come tour the building and stick around to hear presentations about the various educational opportunities available for students in our school district based on their individual needs. Refreshments will be served.
29 days ago, Kristin Tallent
Grand Opening Flyer
We are hosting free developmental screenings on November 15th for children who reside in the Cape Girardeau Public Schools attendance zone ages 12 months to 5 years (and who have not entered kindergarten). To attend a screening, complete the Google form at this link:
about 1 month ago, Kristin Tallent
Scan the QR code to purchase tickets for Friday night's District Semi-Final Game against Poplar Bluff. No passes will be accepted. You must purchase a ticket to attend. Kick-off is at 7:00 p.m.
about 2 months ago, Kristin Tallent
Football Ticket Info for District Semi-Final Game
Aimee Caldwell has been accepted into the Missouri All-State Sight Singing Bee for 2025. Students must obtain a perfect score on the theory and sight reading portion of their all-district audition to earn a spot. Aimee is the fifth student in CHS history to be honored with this distinction. Congratulations, Aimee!
about 2 months ago, Kristin Tallent
Aimee Caldwell
Congratulations to the CHS Cheer Team on its 2nd-place finish at the Missouri State Cheerleading Competition in Columbia! Adeline Cook was also named All-State in Jumps. Way to go, Tigers! We are proud of you!
about 2 months ago, Kristin Tallent
CHS Cheer Squad poses with a trophy
Adeline Cook poses for a picture with a certificate
Cape Central High's Emily Marriott qualified for the Class 4 State Cross Country Meet after a 13th-place finish at Districts. Emily will run at Gans Creek in Columbia on Saturday, November 9th.
about 2 months ago, Kristin Tallent
Emily Marriott pictured running in a race
We promote local events in the Virtual Backpack that are free of charge or sponsored by official school district partners. You can always find that information by clicking on the families tab, or by visiting this link:
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
Virtual Backpack info
Congratulations to our CHS students selected to be in the Southeast Missouri All-District Choir. Mark your calendars for November 9, 4pm. #wearect
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
all-district choir
Cape Central High student-athletes visited schools in the District for High Five Friday. They welcomed students as they came to school and talked to them about the importance of good character.
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
chs athletes pose for a picture
chs athletes give high fives to elementary students
chs athletes give high fives to middle school students
chs athletes give high fives to middle school students
We are so proud of our Terrific Tigers from September. These students have started the school year exemplifying excellent character and dedication to their studies. Congratulations, Tigers!
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
Terrific Tigers from September
September 17, 2024 Dear Tiger Families, We wanted to provide an update regarding the threatening messages we had received. A suspect was quickly identified during the course of the investigation. This suspect has been detained and is facing serious charges. Please know that we will continue to cooperate with the authorities to ensure that anyone who makes a threat against our schools or campuses will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We want to thank you for your patience over the last few days as we worked with local law enforcement. We understand the desire for immediate information in these types of situations. However, to protect the integrity of the criminal investigation and potential prosecution, we are limited in the details that we can provide. We are grateful to our School Resource Officers (SRO), the Cape Girardeau Police Department, and local agents from the FBI for their collaboration in keeping our students and schools safe. School safety is a team effort, and we are asking our families for your help. If you or your student become aware of any type of a threat that involves school property or the school bus, please report it to Courage2Report, Missouri’s official reporting mechanism. You can report a threat by calling 1-866-748-7047 toll free, or by texting “C2R” to 738477 to receive a link to an anonymous tip form. You can also report a threat by reaching out directly to your school’s administrator. In addition to reporting any threatening messages or suspicious activity, please talk to your children about the importance of using social media in a responsible manner. Thank you for your continued support. -CGPS
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
Sunday, September 15, 2024 Dear Tiger Families, We have been made aware of a social media post that includes threatening language along with a list of local schools. We have been in contact with our school resource officers, law enforcement, and administrators from many local schools. You will likely see an increased police presence on our campuses tomorrow as a precaution. We would like to take a moment to commend the student who shared this post with administrators, which is exactly what students or families should do when made aware of similar social media posts or messages. As we stated last week, we take all threats very seriously and the individual or individuals responsible will face very serious consequences. If you or your student become aware of any type of a threat that involves school property or the school bus, please report it to Courage2Report, the state of Missouri’s official reporting mechanism. You can report a threat by calling 1-866-748-7047 toll free, or by texting “C2R” to 738477 to receive a link to an anonymous tip form. You can also report a threat by reaching out directly to your school’s administrator. We apologize for having to reach out to you over the weekend but wanted to make you aware of this situation and share the information we had at this time. Should we receive any more details, we will be sure to update you. Thank you for your time. CGPS
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
September 13, 2024 - UPDATE Dear Tiger Families, We wanted to follow up with more information after the message that we sent you earlier this morning. After an investigation by the Cape Police Department and our School Resource Officers (SRO) it has been determined there is no credible threat against our high school or any of our schools or campuses at this time. Still, extra security will remain throughout the day across the District. All threatening messages will always be taken seriously, immediately reported to local law enforcement, and will be thoroughly investigated. All extra-curricular activities including sports will go on as scheduled. Please remember that our new security protocols are in place for football games and events where large crowds are expected. We sent that information to you on Wednesday. Please refer to that message for more detailed information. We would like to thank you for your patience as we worked with local law enforcement and our SROs to investigate this matter. We would like to humbly ask for your help in stressing to your children the seriousness of making threats against a school or public agency. The individual or individuals found responsible will face legal consequences. Please also encourage your children to report posts like these and to not share them. A number of schools in our region and across the nation have dealt with similar threats over the last two days. We have been in communication with several of those schools. We all need the help of our communities as we continue to deal with similar situations. Additionally, we encourage our families to familiarize themselves with social media apps and consider how to appropriately monitor your child’s social media accounts. If you need help getting started, visit the resources on our Family Hub on Thank you for your help in keeping our school campuses safe. -CGPS
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
September 13, 2024 Dear Tiger Families, We have been made aware of a social media post with a threatening message directed at our high school. The Cape Police Department and our School Resource Officers are currently investigating. Because our students at the high school go through weapons detection each morning, it was determined that our students are safer being held in the building at this time. Cape PD will also be providing extra support to us throughout the District, and will have a presence at other CGPS buildings and campuses. Unfortunately, other schools around the area and nation are experiencing similar threats. We are committed to ensuring that our buildings and campuses are safe, and will continue to take any message containing threatening language very seriously. The individual or individuals responsible will face serious charges. We will keep you updated as we receive more information. Thank you for your time and attention to this message. -CGPS
3 months ago, Kristin Tallent
Be on the look out. Lots of WONDERFUL opportunities for after school programming will be starting soon. We have been promoting programs and sending flyers home if students have requested them!!!! FYI - If a student has not brought in all their "Back to School" Forms they will not be able to enroll in activities until they do so!!
4 months ago, Becky Wright